Statistical code
The statistical code can be obtained using the query application, and the HCSO will issue an official certificate of the code on request.
Structure of the statistical code
1–8 |
9–12 |
13–15 |
16–17 |
1– 8: reference number (first eight digits of the tax number) | |||||||
9–12: class code (TEÁOR) | |||||||
13–15: legal form code (GFO) | |||||||
16–17: territorial (county) code |
Nomenclature of the county code
01 | Budapest |
02 | Baranya county |
03 | Bács-Kiskun county |
04 | Békés county |
05 | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county |
06 | Csongrád-Csanád county |
07 | Fejér county |
08 | Győr-Moson-Sopron county |
09 | Hajdú-Bihar county |
10 | Heves county |
11 | Komárom-Esztergom county |
12 | Nógrád county |
13 | Pest county |
14 | Somogy county |
15 | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county |
16 | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county |
17 | Tolna county |
18 | Vas county |
19 | Veszprém county |
20 | Zala county |
21 | Activities outside national borders |
22 | Data for the country cannot be broken down by territory |
To get the statistical code, you need the first 8 digits of the tax number, which you can enter in the search box by clicking on the link above. The result of the search will be the basic data of the organisation as recorded in the HCSO registration system.
To use the application, we recommend one of the following browsers:
Issuing statistical code certificates
Description of the service
- A certificate of the statistical registration number is issued by the Information Service of the HCSO.
- The certificate contains the data on the organisation concerned that are recorded in the HCSO registration system.
Who can use it?
Statistical code certificates are issued for any organisation with a tax number, provided that the tax number is known.
How to access the service?
By submitting your request via the Contact us! application.
Fulfilment of the request submitted
- Within 5 working days of receipt of the request, HCSO will send a quotation to the customer.
- Once the quotation has been accepted, the completed code certificate will be sent to the customer by post within a maximum of 15 working days.
- The code certificate may, on request, be collected in person at the HCSO Information Service.
Form documents
- Sample statistical code certificate
Modifying a statistical code
- The production and modification of statistical codes are carried out automatically by HCSO via a one-stop shop system, so there is no obligation to notify the HCSO.
- No retroactive modification of the statistical code is possible.
Formation and application for a statistical code
The HCSO determines or modifies statistical registration number as described in Article 38(2) of Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics. The formation of statistical registration number is carried out on the basis of KIM Decree No. 21/2012 (IV. 16.) on the Elements and Nomenclatures of the Statistical registration number.
In order to reduce the administrative burden on customers, the HCSO receives data electronically and directly from the authorities keeping the official registers through a one-stop-shop system and automatically generates the statistical code of the entities from them.
Does the HCSO generate a statistical code for all entities?
HCSO will only generate a statistical code for entities that have a tax number, provided that all the data required for the generation of the statistical code is received by HCSO via the one-stop-shop system from the authority required to keep official records depending on the type of entity. If any of the data is invalid or missing, the statistical code cannot be generated. The entity will not be registered in the HCSO register.