In this publication the participation of the population in the labour market and the features of the inactivity are presented. The changes in the number and proportion of the different economic activity groups, and the most important background factors, like the changes in the age structure and the education of the population are also reviewed. Persons in employment as the basis of the social and economic reproduction are examined in more detail. Changes occurred since the last census are analysed. Besides the textual analysis illustrated with graphs and maps, a rich table section containing retrospective as well as region and county level data is also available on the website.
Data tables are available in Excel format to enable users to make their own calculations.
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1 | Retrospective data |
1.1 | Main characteristics of the economic activity of the population |
1.1.1 | Population by economic activity and sex |
1.1.2 | Population by economic activity, highest education completed and sex |
1.1.3 | Population by economic activity, marital status and sex |
1.1.4 | Population by economic activity, type of settlement and sex |
1.2 | Main characteristics of the persons in employment |
1.2.1 | Number and distribution of persons in employment by age group and sex |
1.2.2 | Persons in employment by branch of economic activity and sex |
1.2.3 | Persons in employment by branch of economic activity and age group |
1.2.4 | Persons in employment by branch of economic activity and highest education completed |
1.2.5 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation and sex |
1.2.6 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation and age group |
1.2.7 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation and highest education completed |
1.2.8 | Persons in employment by status in employment and sex |
1.2.9 | Persons in employment by status in employment and age group |
1.2.10 | Persons in employment by status in employment and highest education completed |
1.3 | Daily commuting of the persons in employment |
1.3.1 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by age group and sex |
1.3.2 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by highest education completed |
1.3.3 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by branch of economic activity |
1.3.4 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by main group of occupation |
1.3.5 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by type of settlement of the usual residence |
1.4 | Main characteristics of the unemployed people |
1.4.1 | Number and distribution of unemployeds by age group and sex |
1.4.2 | Unemployeds by branch of economic activity of the last job and sex |
1.4.3 | Unemployeds by branch of economic activity of the last job and age group |
1.5 | Main characteristics of the economically non-active population |
1.5.1 | Economically non-active population by sex |
1.5.2 | Economically non-active population by age group |
1.5.3 | Economically non-active population by highest education completed |
1.5.4 | Economically non-active population by type of settlement |
2 | Detailed data |
2.1 | Main characteristics of the economic activity of the population |
2.1.1 | Population by economic activity, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.1.2 | Population by economic activity, highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.1.3 | Population by economic activity, marital status and sex, 2016 |
2.1.4 | Population by economic activity, type of settlement and sex, 2016 |
2.2 | Main characteristics of the persons in employment |
2.2.1 | Persons in employment by branch of economic activity, ages group and sex, 2016 |
2.2.2 | Persons in employment by branch of economic activity, highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.2.3 | Persons in employment by branch of economic activity, type of settlement and sex, 2016 |
2.2.4 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.2.5 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation, highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.2.6 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation, status in employment and sex, 2016 |
2.2.7 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation, type of settlement and sex, 2016 |
2.2.8 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation and branch of economic activity, 2016 |
2.2.9 | Persons in employment by status in employment, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.2.10 | Persons in employment by status in employment, highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.2.11 | Persons in employment by status in employment, type of settlement and sex, 2016 |
2.3 | Daily commuting of the persons in employment |
2.3.1 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by age group and sex, 2016 |
2.3.2 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.3.3 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by branch of economic activity and sex, 2016 |
2.3.4 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by main group of occupation and sex, 2016 |
2.3.5 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by type of settlement of the usual residence and sex, 2016 |
2.4 | Main characteristics of the unemployed people |
2.4.1 | Number and distribution of unemployeds by age group and sex, 2016 |
2.4.2 | Number and distribution of unemployeds by section of industry of the last job and sex, 2016 |
2.4.3 | Unemployeds by branch of economic activity of the last job, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.4.4 | Unemployeds by branch of economic activity of the last job, highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.4.5 | Unemployeds by branch of economic activity of the last job, type of settlement and sex, 2016 |
2.4.6 | Number and distribution of unemployeds by main group of occupation of the last job and sex, 2016 |
2.4.7 | Unemployeds by main group of occupation of the last job, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.4.8 | Unemployeds by main group of occupation of the last job, highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.4.9 | Unemployeds by main group of occupation of the last job, type of settlement and sex, 2016 |
2.4.10 | Number and distribution of unemployeds by status in employment of the last job and sex, 2016 |
2.4.11 | Unemployeds by period of time passed since last job, age group, highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.5 | Main characteristics of the economically non-active population |
2.5.1 | Economically non-active population by age group and sex, 2016 |
2.5.2 | Economically non-active population by highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
2.5.3 | Economically non-active population by type of settlement and sex, 2016 |
3 | Data on counties |
3.1 | Main characteristics of the population by economic activity |
3.1.1 | Population by economic activity and sex, 2016 |
3.1.2 | Population by economic activity and age group, 2016 |
3.1.3 | Population by economic activity and highest education completed, 2016 |
3.2 | Main characteristics of the persons in employment |
3.2.1 | Persons in employment by age group and sex, 2016 |
3.2.2 | Persons in employment by highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
3.2.3 | Persons in employment by branch of economic activity, 2016 |
3.2.4 | Persons in employment by main group of occupation, 2016 |
3.2.5 | Persons in employment by status in employment, 2016 |
3.3 | Daily commuting of the persons in employment |
3.3.1 | Persons in employment working in the locality of residence and daily commuters by usual residence, 2016 |
3.3.2 | Daily commuting of the persons in employment and commuting balance , 2016 |
3.4 | Main characteristics of the unemployed people |
3.4.1 | Unemployeds by age group and sex, 2016 |
3.4.2 | Unemployeds by highest education completed and sex, 2016 |
3.4.3 | Unemployeds by period of time passed since last job and sex, 2016 |
3.5 | Main characteristics of the economically non-active population |
3.5.1 | Economically non-active population aged 15 years and over, 2016 |
3.5.2 | Economically inactives receiving benefit aged 15 years and over by age group, 2016 |
3.5.3 | Dependents aged 15 years and over by age group, 2016 |